Spicy shrimp casserole with curry and coconut milk

Sunday is the best excuse for a great family lunch! Easy, quick, colorful and delicious!

I just started playing with the ingredients, trying different variations of the shrimp casserole, or Brazilian moqueca – a very popular dish among the members or our household, and responding to the husband’s request, here it is, “step-by-step”, or better saying, “image-by-image”… 😮

First, get all the fresh ingredients (or as fresh as possible, but hey, nothing against a convenient bottle of garlic powder!) together. The shrimp needs to be peeled and cooked. After being cooked, it could be stored in the freezer, if needed. Able to get a some organic vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, onions), as well, and they looked beautiful!

Sunday is the best excuse for a great family lunch! Easy, quick, colorful and delicious!

Where hot sauce and curry meet... heaven!

I just started playing with the ingredients, trying different variations of the shrimp casserole, or Brazilian moqueca – a very popular dish among the members of our household, and responding to the husband’s request, here it is, “step-by-step”, or better saying, “image-by-image”… 😮

First, get all the fresh ingredients together (or as fresh as possible, but hey, nothing against a convenient bottle of garlic powder!). The shrimp needs to be peeled and cooked. After being cooked, it could be stored in the freezer, if needed. I was able to get a some organic vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, onions), as well, and they looked beautiful!

Starting with some heat… curry & hot sauce:

Can you see the heat in action? look at the color of these bad boys!

Adding a very important ingredient to the marinating mix: beer!

Simmering all the ingredients.. allowing for all the flavors to rejoice!

...don't forget to add a bit more "liquid" to the mixture...

Bringing in another surprising ingredient: coconut milk – very popular member of the traditional Brazilian cuisine!

How should it look? Pretty much like this! 😮

Now, a quick look over the side dishes:

While you were working your magic with the shrimp casserole, rice was being cooked! It's simple like that!

Rice is done!

quick, easy, fluffy! like gradma's homecooking!

Another side order: organic veggies make a great and tasty salad!

Husband’s plate: [accompanied by his ‘favorite’ cold drink!]

Two of my most demanding [and happy] customers! Happy Sunday!

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

23 thoughts on “Spicy shrimp casserole with curry and coconut milk”

    1. Glad to hear that! I hope I can have the time to share a new creation here… every Sunday! 😮 Let´s see how it goes! Thanks for commenting! And, you don´t need to give up on your delicious peruvian food! You may have them both! 😮


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I clicked on this post to check yours out and oh my…that looks delicious and the kids are adorable. Thanks for sharing 🙂


    1. Thank you, Rose, for taking the time to come over and share your thoughts! i’m glad we’re all able to share our experiences over here. It’s great to have the ability to build good network, and share our passions with others! Warm greetings from Recife, Brazil! 😮


    1. Thank you, Pat… will take as a compliment!!! 😮 Glad you appreciated it! I’ll keep sharing recipes from my “experimental tropical” cuisine… Give some ingredients, and I’ll work some magic out of them! 😮


    1. I’m so glad you liked it! Let me know if you need any assistance/help going over the steps!!! Simple, quick, and kid-friendly! 😮 Thanks for stopping by, checking it out and leaving such a nice comment! Greetings from Recife, Brazil! 😮


    1. I wish I could! 😮 But I’m really glad you liked it! Hey, you’ve got amazing food in the Philippines, what are you talking about?? 😮 I should be the one envying you!! Thanks very much for taking the time to come by and leave your usual nice comments! Much appreciated…


  2. So, the basic ingredients are curry powder, assorted veges, shrimp, beer and coconut milk? Just checking because it looks delish and I would love to try this! Thanks!


    1. You’re right… marinate the shrimp & veggies with curry, a bit of beer… simmer… add the coconut milk… easy as 1-2-3! Thanks for liking it! 😮


  3. I want to tell you I`m dying with this kind of Recipe
    Shrimp with curry I smell it here Oh! my
    Thanks for posting my friend 🙂


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