Sweet contribution to a progressive dinner: Trio of Licorice Desserts… yummy!

Well, Carnaval is over, but the celebrations continue! The same week we offered a typical Brazilian Feijoada for a group of friends and their kids, our family celebrated the 5th Birthday of our Valentine’s Girl, with special ‘mommy-made’ cupcakes… and to top it all off, why not take part at a 16-couple Progressive Dinner? 😮

A bit of background: This type of moving feast offers hours of entertainment with a limited amount of prep work. It’s a great way to entertain a group of friends or neighbors without shouldering the whole responsibility (or cost) of a multi-course dinner party — all because a progressive dinner party was held at 16 different homes in succession, with a single course served at each one. In our case, we hosted Dessert.


Well, Carnaval is over, but the celebrations continue! The same week we offered a typical Brazilian Feijoada for a group of friends and their kids, our family celebrated the 5th Birthday of our Valentine’s Girl, with special ‘mommy-made’ cupcakes… and to top it all off, why not take part at a 16-couple Progressive Dinner? 😮

A bit of background: This type of moving feast offers hours of entertainment with a limited amount of prep work. It’s a great way to entertain a group of friends or neighbors without shouldering the whole responsibility (or cost) of a multi-course dinner party — all because a progressive dinner party was held at 16 different homes in succession, with a single course served at each one. In our case, we hosted Dessert.

What was prepared for our special guests?

Considering I’m a mom of 3 very active little kids, with not a lot of ‘free time‘ on any given Saturday, cooking time had to be carefully planned, and all three desserts needed to be simple, easy and tasty. That said, had all kids in the kitchen during prep time, and before I knew it, Voilá – we’re done! ♥

A first-timer Trio of Desserts, each one including a different type of liqueur... [totally made that up… instead of going with one type of dessert for all guests, decided to try something different, and offer a light variety of flavors: dark chocolate, light caramel/’dulce de leche’ and a fruity option, with not-so-sweet elements, for a fresher taste. What’s the deal with the different kinds of liquor – Rum, Kahlua [coffee liqueur] and Brandy? It’s part of the fun… something unusual, something to talk home about!]

Besides the ‘sampler desserts’, guests had an opportunity to enjoy some freshly brewed Brazilian coffee!




Liquorish mix of fruits:

Peaches, raisins in rum, Maraschino cherries [as wished], and caramelized peanuts, as the ‘crunchy element‘…




Dark chocolate and Kahlua mousse




Pudim de Dulce de Leche (Caramel Pudding) with Brandy

From our “Paceña Kitchen”, to yours… 😮 Curious about the simple & easy recipes? Send me a comment with your email and I’ll be happy to share the tips to all “busy bees” out there! 

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

24 thoughts on “Sweet contribution to a progressive dinner: Trio of Licorice Desserts… yummy!”

    1. Thank you very much! Just a simple and beautiful way to offer all of us a good start for this Monday! Mondays are always known for not being so easy… 😮 Thanks for stopping by and sharing your impressions!


        1. Why not…? just samplers!!! 😮 Did you see how small they all were? Just a tiny little sinful taste of… chocolate… caramel… liqueur… Everything pretty much on the right path of forgiveness! 😮


  1. Sounds like you had lots of fun and it was a huge success. Now you can drive down to Huajchilla and show my sister how to make those yummy desserts and she can show you how to make some Haitian dishes.
    Take Care.


    1. Thanks, Jose! I’d love the exchange of recipes!!! 😮 Haitian dishes sound delicious!!!! I’d love learning how to cook those fantastic savory dishes covered in banana leaves… oh, my! Thanks for stopping by and sharing this! 😮


    1. But aren’t them so very fun?! We loved being part of the progressive dinner… and I’m sure, everyone involved had a blast… even moving from house to house was fun! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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