Photo Project “52 Bolivian Sundays” [week 42, ‘a Hue of Color, from Tarija’]

This past week, our family took advantage of the children’s school break and flew out of La Paz, seeking warmer temperatures, good hiking, and a relaxing scenario. Tarija is famous for its warm weather and the colorful winery settings. More to come, as we get our photos organized in the ‘shoe box’. For now, a quick example of what we saw/experienced/enjoyed over there:

Singani in Tarija

This past week, our family took advantage of the children’s school break and flew out of La Paz, seeking warmer temperatures, good hiking, and a relaxing scenario. Tarija is famous for its warm weather and the colorful winery settings. More to come, as we get our photos organized in the ‘shoe box’. For now, a quick example of what we saw/experienced/enjoyed over there:

The orange shades displayed by the glasses filled with Singani drinks – one of Bolivia’s trademarks – seem to perfectly fit the bill for ‘a hue of me‘… a lovely combination of orange and wood tones…

♥ Enjoy as you please, and thanks for stopping by! ♥

The Hue of You- Red Hot… | Bileam se Donkie
Weekly Photo Challenge: The Hue of You | Time flies when you’re having fun…
It’s not easy being green … or is it? | The Road Less Paved
Weekly photo challenge : the Hue of you | parislux
weekly photo challenge – hue of you (2) | myguiltypleasures
The Hue of My Heart | Momdeavor
Weekly Photo Challenge: The Hue of You | Shoot ‘N Go


Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

42 thoughts on “Photo Project “52 Bolivian Sundays” [week 42, ‘a Hue of Color, from Tarija’]”

  1. I don’t know why but I am partial to pictures of glassware and alcohol together. Perhaps its the anticipation of a tasty libation or maybe its the convivial atmosphere that is hinted at. Wonderful picture.


    1. Thank you very much for your input… I will soon update this post with some more pictures of the whole group – our three families, the kids… all enjoying a great time together… with and without alcohol… 😮


  2. You’re from Tarija? Visite Bolivia una vez, fue a Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, La paz y Sucre. You live there now? I know a priest from Tarija… 🙂 Bueno, paisano, saludos desde Chicago, y un baso de vino por favor. 🙂


    1. Thanks for the interest.. but no, we’re not from Tarija.. just went there for a visit, this past week. We’ve been living in La Paz since last year, and we’re enjoying every bit of it – a beautiful, colorful country, with friendly people. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and share your experiences – feel free to browse around for more posts on La Paz, Coroico, Copacabana… we love to travel! Saludos from our ‘nomad family’! 😮


    1. It’s not wine, nor beer… Singani is the typical Bolivian drink, from fermented grapes, but not quite a wine, with a higher alcohol content. Here, the Singani is served mixed with ginger ale and ice… 😮 Thanks for the interest!


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