Then & Now: A Decade of Togetherness…

With a glimpse from the past, looking forward into our future.

Ten years of a life together: laughs, love, joy, challenges…

A few tears, here and there, because we’re living a real life – the two of us have built a story for ourselves and for our ‘nomad family’. The two have become five; and we’re grateful for what the past and present have brought to our family.

We’re intrigued with what the future will unveil…

We will keep moving forward, despite any difficulties or unpleasant moments…

Now, cheers to many more decades together! ♥


Taking a quick look into the past, looking forward into our future.

Ten years of a life together: laughs, love, joy, challenges…

A few tears, here and there, because we’re living a real life – the two of us have built a story for ourselves and for our ‘nomad family’. The two have become five; and we’re grateful for what the past and present have brought to our family.

We’re intrigued with what the future will unveil…

We will keep moving forward, despite any difficulties or unpleasant moments… And quoting one of my favorite readings from our wedding ceremony: “love knows all things, love believes all things, endures all things… love never fails…” 

Now, cheers to many more decades together! ♥


Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

9 thoughts on “Then & Now: A Decade of Togetherness…”

  1. A very stunning couple …. your words speak so well to the commitment of marriage. All is not always smooth but being with someone who holds your hand through it all can create fabulous happy memories. May you have decades more to come.
    Happy Anniversary to you both …. God Bless


  2. happy, happy anniversary!!!

    parabéns pelo casamento e pela familia que construiram voces sao nosso exemplo! hoje é tambem dia do médico. bjos com saudadespri, joao e edu Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 03:01:48 +0000 To:


    1. Parabens para o Joao!! Pelo dia do Medico! E obrigada pela lembrancas, Pri!

      Vamos ver se, apesar da criancada daqui de casa, conseguimos sair pra jantar e comemorar os 10 anos!!! 😮 Beijos, Raquel & familia.


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