Picture the World Project: Brazil!

Picture The World Project, BrazilPosted on July 3rd, 2012


Photo by 3rdCultureChildren

I am so honored to be nominated to offer a photo from my collection to represent Brazil. What to choose from? I went with nature – one of the most beautiful beaches my ´Brazilian eyes´ have ever seen! The picture chosen a unique orange-toned sunset, overlooking the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean…

It’s my duty to nominate two people to submit photos of another country. I would like to nominate Heather (of thewanderingdrays.blogspot.com.br) who has moved with her family to Egypt. I would also like to nominate Carla (of carlarunstheworld.com) currently in the Philippines, and getting ready for their next move in January 2014, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

Thank you 3rdculturechildren for this beautiful photo for Brazil. Looking forward to seing Heather and Carla’s contributions.

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

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