Beijinho de Côco, com Capirinha!

Well, last week I ventured trying to make the most famous Brazilian candy/after meal sweet: Brigadeiro, a bit adapted, thanks to a forwarded recipe, which included adding Caipirinha to it! So, this time, I’m coming with the second most traditional and well-known sweet: Beijinho de Côco (“Coconut Kiss”, if I could translate it). Again, using last week’s recipe, and why not, venturing to discover how the little coconut kiss would taste, if a bit of “caipirinha” was added to the mix! 😮 The recipe is the same one from last week, just adding 100g of shredded (unsweetened) coconut to the mix. Don’t forget to have the lemon zest for a beautiful topping effect!

Here is the result:

"Beijinho de Côco com Caipirinha!"

Remembering, from last week’s recipe:

Brigadeiro de caipirinha com cachaça e limões

Remember “brigadeiro”? Those little chocolate candies that one may find at birthday parties? Well, this one resembles a famous Brazilian drink: “The Caipirinha”… a candy made with ingredients for a mixed drink… The main ingredient?

A little bit of cachaça, Brazil’s famous “sugar cane aguardiente”… 😮 And, obviously: “enjoy responsibly”…. Enjoy at a friend’s house, after a great feijoada… Take a good nap afterwards… find yourself a comfy hammock and forget about getting behind the wheel! 😮 No “eating and driving”, okay? 😮

Here is the image, and the recipe, in Portuguese, with comments in English:

Receita do Brigadeiro de Caipirinha

Brigadeiros de caipirinha


  • 1 lata de leite condensado
  • 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga
  • 50 ml de cachaça
  • Açúcar cristal
  • Raspas de limão para decorar
  • Opcional: suco de um limão e ½ caixa de creme de leite

Modo de preparo

Leve ao fogo uma panela com o leite condensado, o creme de leite e a manteiga. Vá mexendo em fogo baixo até dar ponto e desgrudar da panela. Tire um pouco do fogo e adicione a cachaça/vodca, e o suco do limão. Volte a panela ao fogo e deixe dar o ponto novamente. Use uma assadeira untada (de manteiga) pra colocar a “massa”, e deixe reservado até esfriar.

Pra fazer as bolinhas: unte as mãos com manteiga, pegue um pouco da “massa” e vá boleando, fazendo movimentos circulares. Passe a bolinha no açúcar cristal, com raspas de limão, para decorar. (Obs: existe um açúcar especial, de confeiteiro, que parece um gelo triturado e também é uma boa opção).

One may add lemon/lime zest over the candy, making it look even more similar to the original drink… Humm!

[Portuguese] Há quem goste de colocar um pouquinho de raspas de limão na massa no lugar do suco. Deve deixar um azedinho bem gostoso!

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

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