64 weeks at Post. Great bidding victory – we got our #1 choice [again]!

We’re a couple of months into our second year at Post, and we’ve enjoyed every bit of it.

Soon we’ll have news to share: The Mirandas are going to their #1 Choice – once again – hard to believe! The stress is over, and now, we oughta begin looking into our future – gotta love the Foreign Service – never a dull moment!

No, not sharing much at this time… Just wanna leave these images here… maybe it’s a clue?  😮



Let’s just wait and see… 😮

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

13 thoughts on “64 weeks at Post. Great bidding victory – we got our #1 choice [again]!”

  1. I just watched the Shell video and wondered if that was part of your post and you are bound for North Dakota? haha. Love and hugs from NY!


  2. congrats!!! parabéns! ficamos na curiosidade e como se diz lá em Barretos: “É judiação com o coração que ama de verdade Me dá veneno me mata, Me mata logo não deixa eu senti saudade!”


    1. Deixa eu dizer pro pai e pra mae antes [risos!], como eles nunca vem por aqui, assim que voce e a Pri soubessem… mas…vamos dizer que… eh um lugar que todos nos moramos juntos… ha muitos anos atras! 🙂


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