Thoughts on ‘Let Teachers Do Their Jobs.’

Obviously, our children’s education should not rely solely on what he/she are receiving during the school hours – it goes way beyond the school walls, and it’s our [parental] responsibility to ensure their success and well-being are the utmost goal. Parents should be unconditionally involved in a child’s education. As Tracy Grant well pointed out, ‘no one will ever be a better advocate for your child than you’. But being supportive to your child does not mean one needs to act/react as if the child didn’t have means to do so. As the child ages, he/she has the critical duty to advocate for him/herself. It’s an integral part of learning how to live the ‘real life’ in the ‘real world’, surrounded by ‘real people’, facing real challenges and difficulties.

"Teacher Appreciation" featured phot...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last morning’s column on the Washington Post [Parenting], by Tracy Grant, was a refreshing example of what we [parents] need [or need not] to do when it comes to working in parallel with our children’s schools. The author encourage us all not only to read her suggestions, but also try to create a “new school year’s resolution.” Letting the teachers teach. Letting them exercise their abilities while showing our children the way to behave in school, as well as in society.

English: Group of children in a primary school...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Quoting Tracy Grant: “Let your kids’ teachers do their job. Assume that they are equipped to do what they have been trained and are paid to do. Be involved in your child’s school and education, but try to do it in a way that is supportive of the teachers.”

In short: Meddle less.

And this was only the introduction to her op-piece. ‘Meddle less’. She simply nailed it on the head. No need for screaming, no discussion, no arguments – it’s like telling us, parents, ‘step away, for a little bit’, and let the [ones that have been trained, schooled, experienced] do their jobs.

Obviously, our children’s education should not rely solely on what he/she are receiving during the school hours – it goes way beyond the school walls, and it’s our [parental] responsibility to ensure their success and well-being are the utmost goal. Parents should be unconditionally involved in a child’s education. As Tracy Grant well pointed out, ‘no one will ever be a better advocate for your child than you’. But being supportive to your child does not mean one needs to act/react as if the child didn’t have means to do so. As the child ages, he/she has the critical duty to advocate for him/herself. It’s an integral part of learning how to live the ‘real life’ in the ‘real world’, surrounded by ‘real people’, facing real challenges and difficulties.

Part of the learning process is understanding [from the child’ point of view] how to survive in the real world. It’s also crucial for parents and school professionals, to offer opportunities for independent learning. It’s a two-way street: the teaching goes alongside with the learning, and one cannot exist if the other is corrupted.

Finally, using Tracy’s words, an advice for any parent out there [and my favorite part of her article!]: ‘encourage him to be a responsible student. Assume the teacher knows what he is doing. And your student may wind up learning lessons for a lifetime.’

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

15 thoughts on “Thoughts on ‘Let Teachers Do Their Jobs.’”

  1. Oh what a great articile! As a teacher I come across this a lot! I know parents mean well, but, as you pointed out we have been trained and have a lot of experience in dealing with different issues. Sometimes the ‘meddling’ or ‘helping’ only causes confusion, resentment or further difficultly. Sometimes parents also forget that we have more than 1 child in a class and rules and routines need to be in place to do what is best for everyone… It is not meant as a punishment to you and your child. Our attention needs to be shared across 15-20-25 or even 30+ students! It is a balacning act. Of course talk to your child’s teacher, express concerns, ask questions and work together. After all we both have the same goal… to do the best for your child!


    1. First, let me thank you for taking the time to stop by, read thru it, and share your opinion.
      I’m so glad I got a teacher to come over here and start the discussion – I myself, as I use to say, was a trained teacher, in my ‘previous life’, before all the kids began coming into our lives. I used to teach pre-undergrad and College, back in Brazil – that’s why I can totally relate to the difficulties/challenges you’re pointing out.
      Now, as a mother, with 2 elementary kids [and a toddler!], I still fight hard to have other parents understand the importance of letting their children’s teachers do their work. Independently. You’d not imagine the looks of disbelief I encounter when trying to explain to parents they should not disturb a classroom dynamics. Even if their intentions are the best ones… 😮

      Thank you again for all your words, and for supporting the way teachers need to conduct their work/their tasks. Not an easy job, for sure, but definitely, worth every second of it. Even the seconds when one [the teacher] feels like pulling every single hair out of his/her head! 😮

      Thank you for all your work,


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