‘Hardship Homemaking’: contributing to the collaborative blog…

Post originally prepared as a contribution to the “Hardship Homemaking collaborative blog, which is a back to basics blog for recipes, tricks, and tips to make life overseas at hardship posts easier”. The blog is a collaborative effort, with several authors, each one sharing unique experiences and life backgrounds, most of them, with real examples of life in the Foreign Service, its implications, challenges and strategies to overcome them.

Living at hardship posts offers more than challenges to all ‘household managers’ out there. If offers us the opportunity to learn – through advice from our peers, through our own research, through experience and why not say, through mistakes – ours or someone else’s – while facing similar situations. A common concern among families living at hardship posts is ‘how to offer the best, healthiest diet to my family?’- and that includes not only how to “optimize” your grocery shopping budget, but how to ensure those beautiful fruits and veggies will be safe for consumption, even before they’re tossed in the fridge, or beautifully displayed on a fruit bowl!

Post originally prepared as a contribution to the Hardship Homemaking collaborative blog, which is a back to basics blog for recipes, tricks, and tips to make life overseas at hardship posts easier”. The blog is a collaborative effort, with several authors, each one sharing unique experiences and life backgrounds, most of them, with real examples of life in the Foreign Service, its implications, challenges and strategies to overcome them.

“Handling Fruits and Vegetables: Sanitary Tips

Living at hardship posts offers more than challenges to all ‘household managers’ out there. If offers us the opportunity to learn – through advice from our peers, through our own research, through experience and why not say, through mistakes – ours or someone else’s – while facing similar situations. A common concern among families living at hardship posts is ‘how to offer the best, healthiest diet to my family?’- and that includes not only how to “optimize” your grocery shopping budget, but how to ensure those beautiful fruits and veggies will be safe for consumption, even before they’re tossed in the fridge, or beautifully displayed on a fruit bowl!…” [continue reading]

Curious to learn more tips on this and other topics? Hope over to the Hardship Homemaking collaborative blog! Thank you for the interest…

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

4 thoughts on “‘Hardship Homemaking’: contributing to the collaborative blog…”

  1. Lol, yeah! It takes a bit of adjusting, doesn’t it? But we’re loving the country, it’s so warm and charming! Still lots to see though, we’ve hardly seen anything yet.
    If you guys are from the US Embassy I’m sure we’ll cross paths sooner or later. For what I’ve seen it’s a small expat world here in La Paz (always the same people at diplomatic receptions and the such, in the calle 15 Ketal, in the school…). I’m the bureau chief for the Spanish News Service EFE and we’re living in Achumani (ooops, and my name is Lorena).
    Have a great weekend too and happy Easter!


  2. Hi Raquel! I’m a spaniard journalist posted in Bolivia (with my husband and a 5 year old son) since last November. I’m really enjoying your blog.
    Just one veggie cleaning tip learned from my local coworkers: have you tried DG6? You’ll find it at farmacias and it’s even better than lavandina. Just 30 drops per litr. of water, soak the fruits/veggies for 1 minute and dry. Not even rinsing necessary 🙂


    1. thank you so much for the tip!!! And glad to find another ‘Bolivian-adjusted expat’! 😮 Welcome to the blog and I really hope you enjoy the reading/photos over here… Thanks for sharing your comments and have a great weekend! 😮


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