Homemade Mole: photos and receta for an authentic Mexican Fiesta

Two cheers to our wonderful neighbors! 

Today I had a very special guided tour: through an authentic celebration of Mexican Independence, including getting “secret recipes” from the hosts, one of which I was “allowed” to share here with you all…  (I guess she knew that simply humans, like myself, wouldn’t be able to replicate this delicacy!). At least, not the way I got to enjoy… humm! My very first Mexican Fiesta, and just to make things even better, didn’t have to leave Brazil for that… quite a treat! So good I entertained the idea of joining the other guests during the Grito Mexicano… 😮 (too shy for that, though!)

Also, check this post out. It’s about honoring the Mexican Culture, from another fellow blogger, passionate by Mexico, good food and cheerful celebrations!

beverages for all tastes… and ages!

mole poblano, already mixed with chicken meat… hummm!

How to prepare “Mole Poblano” sauce

{in Spanish, sorry… that’s the original recipe… :o}


Normalmente la gente al Mole le suele poner pollo u otro tipo de carne aunque la base son los chiles, el cacao y las especias.

  • 1 Kg. de chile mulato (es un chile seco de color negruzco y de sabor un poco dulzón)
  • 125 g. almendras.
  • 125 g. nueces.
  • 125 g. avellanas peladas.
  • 125 g. piñones.
  • 125 g. cacahuetes.
  • 125 g. pepitas de calabaza peladas.
  • 250 g. uvas pasas.
  • 250 g. ajonjolí o sésamo.
  • 50 g. canela molida.
  • 10 bolitas pimienta negra
  • 10 semillas de chile mulato
  • 1 manojo de hierbas de olor: mejorana, tomillo y laurel.
  • 1 Kg. plátano macho (es un plátano válido solo para cocinar)
  • 1 paquete de galletas maría.
  • 1 paquete de galletas ricas.
  • 2 panecillos con sal.
  • una pizca de semillas de girasol peladas.
  • Comino, anís, clavo, cilantro (una pizca de todo)


  • Todos esos ingredientes se muelen en un molino de chiles llamado Morcajete (es un mortero de piedra volcánica) hasta que quede una masa espesa de textura fina.
  • Esta masa se disuelve en caldo de hongos o setas (tradicionalmente en caldo de pollo u otra carne) hasta que quede de consistencia parecida al chocolate derretido o chocolate a la taza espeso.
  • Las setas u hongos se pueden trocear o dejarlos enteros mezclándolos con el Mole rojo.
  • Este plato se sirve caliente, acompañado de arroz, frijoles y tortillas mexicanas.

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Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

17 thoughts on “Homemade Mole: photos and receta for an authentic Mexican Fiesta”

  1. Pingback: Cómo usar internet para encontrar dietas saludables.
  2. Pingback: Mexican Fare for Two for Lunch or Dinner at Fonda Rosalinda’s
  3. Pingback: Authentic Mexican Cuisine at Viva!
    1. No worries about translating it! I just didn’t have time to write it down in English… late night, celebrating… 😮 I’ll prepare an English version, and add as an update… will keep you posted! 😮 Thanks for checking it out, Heather!


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