Horizontal tree?! Árvore da preguiça or lazy tree in Ceará

We found this unique art piece, handmade by nature, on our way to Praia do Preá, one of the several beaches along the northeastern coast of Brazil.

This “horizontal tree” has been called ‘lazy tree’ or “árvore da preguiça” by the local population. Despite having its roots above ground, it’s still very much alive, and a sure stop for any tourist in search of calm beach waters and great kitesurfing winds… By the way, the native legend is that the winds were responsible for, gradually, bending the tree trunk, and making it look like it’s ‘resting’, enjoying its ‘laziness’…

the ‘lazy’ tree…

a closer look, from underneath the roots…

and, getting ready to search for more natural beauty!

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

12 thoughts on “Horizontal tree?! Árvore da preguiça or lazy tree in Ceará”

    1. Totally agree! Thank you very much for checking it out! Very, very unique horizontal tree… never saw one alike… 😮


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