Eleven months of folklore in Brazil: dressing accordingly…

Eleven months of folklore in brazil. Children, culture

In Brazil there’s always an excuse to dress up for parties and/or traditional celebrations. Here’s a small sample of our kids’ past 11 months in-country:

Day of Folklore, honoring a national writer, dressing up as a talking doll, from Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, Ms Emilia, Marquesa de Rabicó:

Dia das Bruxas – Halloween. At school and with the neighbors

Carnaval, as traditional Frevo dancers

Matutinho & Matutinha, ready for the June Celebrations!

and off to School they go!!

Author: 3rdCultureChildren

Welcome! Here I am, 'releasing' my thoughts on traveling, parenting, raising TCKs, teaching, writing, working... and who knows what else! I’m a WIFE, 'geeky-stuff' SCIENTIST, TEACHER, AMATEUR photographer, MOM of 3, TRAVELER by choice and by marriage, and of course, a HOUSEHOLD QUEEN!!

76 thoughts on “Eleven months of folklore in Brazil: dressing accordingly…”

  1. Going to Brazil in December. Not a costume person. Looks like I better become one fast! The photos are adorable. Thanks for the peek into your lovely world!


    1. thank you so much for your kind words… One doesn’t need to be a “costume person”… I mostly use the kids for that purpose…. everything is allowed for kids! Glad you like our site! 😮


  2. Since Halloween is one of my favorite holidays (because of the dressing up), I love being in Brazil! You’re right! Many opportunities. Though we missed dressing up for Carnaval, there is always next year…


  3. wow these are absolutely precious! Makes me want to move to Brazil, kidnap children, just to dress them up in fun outfits. Haha.. wow.. I sound like a creeper. I take it back. But it does look sooo fun!


  4. sweet kids and wonderful traditions! but dressing up was always not only great fun but also an interesting psychological question: why do we like “to be” in someone else’s body? i think it started from natural rituals, when people put on animal’s skin to acquire their strenght.


  5. as I’m sure you know, teenagers and adults in general also love to dress up for June celebrations here in Brazil! anything is a good enough excuse for a costume party – Carnival, the 80s, Halloween… it’s loads of fun!


    1. Hey Mikalee! Yeap, it could be a really fun place, if you know what and where to look for… It’s got the same challenges as any post, but our family tries its best to offer the kids the best environment possible… But, go ahead and get your kids all interested into moving South of the Equator! 😮


  6. How cute! Growing up in Korea, I wore a traditional dress for all the holidays so there are hilarious pictures of me in these dresses and my little tennis shoes underneath!


    1. Thank you, Heather! Lots of experiences… I grew up with that, so, it’s like second nature… I know.. and we’re still missing a bunch of others… there’s a pic of my husband and I from last Saturday, which includes even drawing “fake” facial hair and freckles… but wasn’t sure if it was posting material.. need to get cleared first, by the husband-at-arms…. 😮


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